12 Steps (12step.org) Resources for all 12 step programs
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) (aa.org)
Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACA) (adultchild.org)
Cocaine Anonymous (CA) (ca.org)
Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA) (crystalmeth.org)
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) (foodaddicts.org)
Food Compulsions Anonymous (foodcompulsions.wordpress.com)
Gamblers Anonymous (GA) (gamblersanonymous.org)
LifeRing Secular Recovery (lifering.org)
Marijuana Anonymous (marijuana-anonymous.org)
Narcotics Anonymous(NA) (na.org)
Nicotine Anonymous (nicotine-anonymous.org)
Sexaholics Anonymous (sa.org)
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) (slaafws.org)
Smart Recovery (smartrecovery.org)
Women for Sobriety (WFS) (womenforsobriety.org)
XA Speakers (xa-speakers.org) A collection of recordings from speaker meetings, conventions and workshops of 12-step groups.
Online Self-Help Forums
AA Intergroup (aa-intergroup.org)
Addiction Recovery Guide (addictionrecoveryguide.org)
Addiction Survivors (addictionsurvivors.org)
NA Chat (na-chat.com)
Recovery Zone (recoveryzone.org) Complete audio version of the Big Book.
Soberistas (soberistas.com)
Support Groups (supportgroups.com) Covering a wide range of issues including: addiction, depression, anxiety and suicide
12 Step Forums (12stepforums.net)
Links for Family and Friends of People with Addiction
Adultchildren.org (adultchildren.org) For adult children of alcoholics and addicts.
Al-Anon.org (al-anon.org) For family members of alcoholics.
Coda.org (coda.org) For co-dependent individuals.
Gam-anon (gam-anon.org) For family members of gamblers.
Nar-anon (nar-anon.org) For family members of addicts.
S-Anon (sanon.org) Family & Friends of Sexaholics
Sites for Finding Addiction Treatment Programs
A list of unbiased government websites that can help you find a legitimate and accredited addiction treatment program.
America: https://findtreatment.samhsa.gov
Addiction-Recovery Government Agencies
National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (niaaa.nih.gov)
National Institute of Drug Abuse (nida.nih.gov)
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (samhsa.gov)
National Institute of Mental Health (nimh.nih.gov)
Smoke Free (smokefree.gov)
World Health Organization (who.int/en/)
Addiction-Recovery Organizations
12StepTreatmentCenters.com A list of 12 Step treatment centers around the world.
Addiction Recovery Guide Addiction and recovery resources.
All Treatment (alltreatment.com) A drug rehab directory.
American Lung Association (lungusa.org)
American Society of Addiction Medicine (asam.org)
Benzodiazepine Addiction, Withdrawal&Recovery (benzo.org.uk)
Canadian Lung Association (lung.ca)
Canadian Society of Addiction Medicine (csam.org)
Helping Others Live Sober Aimed at people in recovery and professionals
Institute of Alcohol Studies (ias.org.uk)
Off The Wagon(offthewagon.org) National Organization of Students Against Substance Abuse
Partnership For Drug Free America (drugfree.org)
National Council on Seniors Drug and Alcohol Rehab (rehabnet.com)